Terms of Reference


Ontario Partnership on Aging and Developmental Disabilities (OPADD) is a ground breaking, informal partnership of service providers across sectors dedicated to enriching quality of life for older adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Regional committees formed across the province of Ontario and members share a common OPADD vision that every adult with an Intellectual and developmental disability has the same rights to support and access to services as all older Ontarians.

Goals of Committee:

As the Central Regional Partnership on Aging and Developmental Disabilities (CRPADD) we are committed to:

a) efficient and collaborative cross-sector communication and advocacy

b) cross sector community engagement

c) building system capacity

d) identifying service gaps, trends and needs


1. Provide ongoing communication between this committee and other related networks, agencies, organizations and groups

2. Offer support to local projects where possible

3. Assist with provincial cross sectoral and information dissemination activities

4. Share information on opportunities for funding from Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) or the Ontario Health Teams (OHT)

5. Provide cross-sector education, information sharing/resource sharing and knowledge translation

6. Advocate for change and best service provision for people with IDD

7. Engage community partners around a CRPADD work plan


Co-chairs will be elected for a term of two-years – rotating one chair yearly – with the co-chair assuming the role of chair after one year, with the aim of having an equal cross-sector representation (i.e. MCCSS funded and Ministry of Health and Long Term Care [MOHLTC] funded).

Responsibilities include:

· chair / lead all meetings

· lead and facilitate discussions ensuring all members have the opportunity to participate

· actively participate in the development of the overall work plan

· develop the meeting agendas, and presentations or reports as needed

· act as communication link between regional committee and OPADD


The CRPADD has a relationship with the OPADD Collaborative Committee. Additionally, regular communication and reporting on partnership activities will be provided to cross sector planning groups across the developmental services sector, local health networks such as: Home and Community Care, OHT and the Community Networks of Specialized Care (CNSC)


The CRPADD welcomes membership by all community members who share a passion and commitment to the OPADD vision. Membership will give consideration to the following:

· committee composition should reflect the geographic and cross sector services provided within the region

· input from self-advocates and families shall be invited through appropriate local organizations or processes

Committee membership may include representation from:

 1. Intellectual and Developmental Services Providers

2. Long Term Care

3. Acute Care

4. Mental Health Services

5. Developmental Services Ontario (DSO)

6. Ontario Health Teams

7. Home and Community Care

8. Alzheimer’s Society

9. Self-Advocate/Family Representation

10. Post-Secondary Academic institution

11. Housing – DSO Housing navigator

12. Bob Rumball Canadian Centre of excellence for the Deaf

Input may be sought from other agencies/organizations as needed based on the topic of discussion and may be invited to the table as ad hoc members, with an aim to include ethicists and expertise in the unique cultural diversity within the region.

 Members are asked to commit to a minimum of two years and are to find a replacement if they leave or retire.

 Decision Making:

 Decisions will be made by consensus of those in attendance at the meeting, ensuring quorum of 50% + 1 of CRPADD membership. Information related to upcoming decisions will be provided to the CRPADD members prior to the upcoming meeting wherever possible.


Meetings of the CRPADD will occur minimally quarterly, with additional ad-hoc meetings scheduled at the discretion of the Chairs.

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