DREAM Club Program
DREAM Club is a program where participants enjoy sports, arts and crafts, music, brain and sensory activities as well as cultural outings. Families and individuals can use their Passport funds to purchase services that meet their needs, be it once a week or five days a week.

Computer Apprenticeship Program (CAP) – Currently suspended due to COVID-19
Computer Apprenticeship Program provides developmentally disabled youth between the ages of 16 and 24 with marketable job skills which will enhance their ability to live and work independently within the community. The program was originally funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation grant and created in cooperation with both the Waterloo Region District School Board, Waterloo Catholic District School Board and Wilmot Technologies.

Our son has always struggled with knowing what direction his life would take him after finish school. His main enjoyment has always been working on the computer, but without the skills to do something marketable on the computer we did not see that his future would involve computers except on a recreational level.
When he heard about the CAP Program through his Life skills teacher at school, we immediately enrolled him in the course. And we are so thankful he was able to get in. He has excelled at the program and is often telling us it is his favorite part of his week. He always looks forward to Wednesday and Thursday mornings. As noted by his worker that goes with him, his focus while completing tasks (something he often struggles with) has been impressive.
We have a new found hope that he may be able to continue with this program and once finished can find some employment where he can use the skills he has acquired at this program
Summer Camps
Summer camps are run through PCL’s children’s respite program.